Supercharge your workflows with Builder!

Clear that backlog of pages and content updates. Use your tech stack, your design system, your rules.

<ShoesViewer />


Use your own components

The shoes viewer component you see to the left is a custom component that lives in the project the builder CLI command created for you.

  1. Click on the shoes component to the left. Click "edit" on the button that shows up. You should now see options to set on the component, such as number of shoes. Adjust the number of shoes and see it update!
  2. Open up the ShoesViewer.tsx file in your code editor. Adjust a parameter, such as hoverColor on line 69 to be a different color. Save the file and notice that your component updated!
Learn more

We Are Performance Obsessed

Blazing fast content delivery at the edge

Advanced image optimization

Customize everything

Your components, plugins, everything!

Server side rendering support

Save time and dev cycles

Stop hard coding, start composing